
Tanrıkulu Group of Companies in the plastic raw materials and packaging sectors with 4 production facilities in Kocaeli and Sakarya since 1989. In total,facilities with 40.000 m2 closed area and 60.000 m2 open area are produced from about 65.000 tonnes of plastic raw material per year.

İzpackaging Ambalaj was founded in 2018 with the knowledge and experience of Tanrıkulu Company Group with the latest technology and high capacity. It was established on 12.000 m2 production area in Çayırova - Şekerpınar facilities in order to produce high quality PET, PS, PP packaging for domestic and foreign customers.

İzpackaging Ambalaj aims to maintain the success of Tanrululu Plastik in the plastic sector, in the packaging sector and to have an important position with the understanding of quality products and services in the sector in a short time.